I found this article to be really interesting because it made me think about something that had never crossed my mind before. Internet Memes have been in my life for years, and I just assumed everyone must know most memes on the Internet. It's common knowledge among people my age. However, this article from Gawker brings up the great point that older individuals are just now discovering the ridiculous treasures known as image macros hidden on the web thanks to tools like Facebook. I try to make a point not to friend older people like my parents or my boss, because honestly they really do not need to see anything on my Facebook page, but so I haven't noticed any changes but I'm wondering if this is actually happening. I wonder if this will help or hurt image macros. Will more people sharing them and liking them on Facebook mean they will become even more popular, or will the younger generation abandon a meme once they find out people like their parents also think it's funny? I'll be interested to find out.
This is an interesting point. I for one believe that if the older generation becomes hip to a lot of the internet happenings, they will lose their popularity. I'll use the example of rickrolling. For a while, it was very widespread and constantly used. It was when older people, such as the House of Reps, began to use it, it became uncool. All in all, yes, I think that older people will hurt the popularity of certain memes. Think of President Powers saying something like "Come at me bro!" ;-)